Comprehensive Health Care Training Classes
- For Day Care Providers
- Teachers
- Churches
- On-Site
- Hands-On Training Classes
- Daily Health Observation
- Health Screening
- Child with Food Allergies
- Communicable Diseases
- Health System’s Education and Professional Development Department
- Parents
- Pre-Schools
- Day School Programs
- Bugs Affecting Pre-School Children
- Child Physical Abuse and Neglect
- Playground Safety
- Back To Sleep
- Emergency Preparedness
- BloodBorne Pathogens
- CPR, First Aid, AED Combo Class
CPR, First Aid and AED
Health Training @
Its Best, LLC
Classes are registered with VCU Health System Education and Professional Development Department
CALL “Dr. Sharon E. Peace RN, CCHC" to schedule a class TODAY!
804 236-1136
MAT Classes
Register online course Part 1 FREE. To REGISTER:
Go to Mat program webpage
Review the MAT IS COURSE Overview and then select the registration link.
Complete the online form and click submit. Important after you submit your online registration. MEDHOMEPLUS will email you your password and username back.
MAT Trainer - Dr. Sharon E. Peace RN, CCHC
Medication Aide Classes
The 32-hour Medication Aide/Technician course is a Virginia Board of Nursing Virginia and Department of Social Services approved curriculum for medication administration. This course instructs participants how to administer medication in adult day, adolescent group homes, residential groups, nursing homes and correctional facilities. Students are taught the basic knowledge and skills needed to perform medication administration safely and effectively.
Registration fee $35.00 non-refundable (refresher courses available) Administration FEE $275.00, Certificate fee $20.00. Total of $330.00. Your certificate is good for (1) years from approval date. Upon completion of your course, you will receive a certificate from Health Training at its Best, LLC; or from Virginia Commonwealth University School of Allied Health Professions Gerontology Medication Management.
Trainer - Dr. Sharon E. Peace RN, CCHC
68 Hour Medication Aide/Technician Administration training program for CNA, PCA, or DCA healthcare professionals is a Virginia Board of Nursing-approved curriculum for career-minded individuals who want to work in assisted living facilities. Students learn the basic knowledge and skills needed for medication administration safety. Upon completion of this program, all qualified participants are eligible to take the State Registered Medication Exam.
Course Fee registration fee $150.00 (nonrefundable) $540.00 + Certificate $10.00. Total of $550.00. Refresher courses available
Train the Trainer
TRAIN the TRAINER - Course Fee $325.00 + Certificate $10.00. Total of $335.00.
A 1 DAY class intended for RNs, LPNs, or Pharmacists who wish to teach unlicensed persons to administer medications in accordance with the Drug Control Act of Virginia. Instructions will be provided based on the Board of Nursing Regulations that govern medication aides, and will show how to establish a business and a program and its principles of adult learning, prepare and present lesson plans for BOTH the 68-hour curriculum for assisted living facility staff AND on the 32-hour curriculum for Adult Day Cares, Adolescent Group Homes, Correctional Facilities. Upon completion of your course, you will receive a certificate from Health Training at its Best, LLC to send to Virginia Commonwealth University School of Allied Health Professions to purchase the curriculum.
ATTENTION: Become an Entrepreneur!!
Get started: If you’re interested in starting your own business at home. Let's get started with a small investment of $75.00 to get you started with my new online course today.
Learn the tools and get your business started. EMAIL TO REGISTER: